Thursday, March 13, 2025

Understanding the value of commuting for future retirees in Canada

Navigating the intricacies of retirement plans can be daunting, especially when it comes to understanding terms like “exchange value.” This concept is crucial for anyone participating in a defined benefit pension plan because it is an important financial decision point. Let’s take a look at what commutated value means, the options available to transfer it, and other important aspects to consider.

  • Commutated value represents a lump sum present value of future retirement income.
  • Transfer options: It can be transferred to another retirement plan, a closed-end retirement plan (LIRA), a lifetime income fund (LIF), or used to buy an annuity.
  • Impact of transfer on LIRA/LIF: loses the right to monthly pension and other planned benefits; the decision is irreversible.

What is “switched value”?

The converted value of a defined benefit pension plan is essentially a lump sum value of your future retirement income today. It is the present value of the monthly pension income you would receive for the rest of your life after retirement. This calculation is crucial because it translates your future income into a current lump sum that reflects the total value of your retirement benefits today.

Calculation factors

Several factors influence the calculation of commuter value:

  1. Interest rates: Lower interest rates typically mean a higher commutation value because funds need to grow more to meet future obligations.
  2. Length of life: The calculations use actuarial tables estimating average life expectancy.
  3. Retirement plan Conditions: The specifics of the pension plan, such as the possibility of early retirement, also play a role.

The choice between commuter value and a regular pension

As you approach retirement, you are often faced with a choice: choose a regular pension payment or opt for a working-out amount.

Regular pension

  • Stability: Provides a steady stream of income.
  • Simplicity: Less personal fund management is required.
  • Security: Often includes benefits such as inflation protection and survivor benefits.

Commutated value

  • Flexibility: Greater control over investments and expenses.
  • Growth potential: Possibility to potentially increase your retirement funds through personal investments.
  • Estate planning: Any remaining funds may form part of your estate. Leave a legacy.

Important notes for Canadians

As a Canadian approaching retirement, consider the following aspects:

  1. Tax consequences: Lump sum withdrawals can lead to significant tax liabilities. Consultation with a tax advisor is recommended.
  2. Investment management: Are you comfortable and able to manage a large investment portfolio?
  3. Health and life expectancy: Personal and family health history may influence your decision.
  4. Spouse and beneficiary considerations: How will your decision affect your spouse or dependents?
  5. Market volatility: Market conditions may affect the value of the invested convertible value.

Switched value transfer options

After termination of employment, you will receive a statement containing information about your accrued retirement benefits and the possibility of receiving these benefits. If you are entitled to transfer the converted value, you may choose to transfer it to:

  • Another Canadian pension plan provided by your future employer.
  • A Locked-In Retirement Arrangement (LIRA) or Locked-In RRSP with a Canadian financial institution.
  • A Life Income Fund (LIF) or a locked-in RRIF with a Canadian financial institution.
  • Buy an annuity from a Canadian insurance company.

Considerations for transferring commutated value

When considering transferring a converted value, think about:

  • Guaranteed lifetime income under a defined benefit plan.
  • Unique features of your retirement plan that may be difficult to replicate in a LIRA or LIF.
  • The irreversible nature of switching to another retirement plan.
  • Sufficient value converted to purchase a comparable annuity.
  • Estate planning implications and policy differences between LIRAs, LIFs, and defined benefit pensions.
  • Tax consequences, especially if part of the added value is paid in cash.
  • Investment Obligations and Risks of Managing a LIRA or LIF.
  • Fee structures on investment accounts and a defined benefit program.

Impact of transferring commutated value to LIRA or LIF

Transferring the added value to a LIRA or LIF means giving up your right to a monthly pension from the plan. This decision is irreversible and also means the loss of other benefits, such as survivors’ benefits.

Transferring the added value to another pension scheme

If you switch to another pension plan, your benefits will depend on the terms of the new plan. It is very important to understand how the converted value will be treated in the new plan and keep all records of this transaction.

What is an annuity?

An annuity is a series of monthly annuity payments purchased from an insurance company. The terms of the annuity are governed by the contract and may provide for payments to surviving spouses or beneficiaries, depending on the type of annuity chosen.

The right to transfer the converted value

You become eligible for a post-employment transfer or, in some cases, retirement plan membership. This means that when you leave your job or end your membership in a pension scheme, you have the opportunity to transfer the value of your work.

A converted value transfer allows you to transfer funds from your retirement plan to another investment vehicle or retirement account. It gives you the flexibility to manage your retirement savings in a way that aligns with your financial goals.

If you choose to transfer your earnings to an insurer (such as Sun Life or Great West Life), this option gives you the freedom to take control of your retirement funds and make the decisions that best suit your personal situation.

We are here to help

The decision between taking the value you have earned and sticking to a regular pension payment is a significant decision. It requires a careful assessment of your financial situation, retirement goals and risk tolerance. Consult a certified financial advisor from to help you make this complex choice. Remember that this decision affects not only the length of your pension, but potentially the financial situation of your dependents and beneficiaries.

Ready to get started? Click here to talk to us.

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